The Farmers Market Federation of NY is now offering a Monthly Members (and Friends) Meetup. This will be a virtual meet-up to generate a sense of community among farmers market management, vendors, sponsors, and all others interested. Each month a topic of importance to market operations will be discussed and your input, opinions, and questions will be shared among your peers!

The Meetup will be held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, from 1:00pm – 2:00pm. This is your opportunity to learn about new topics, offer your experiences, and have your questions answered. It will also be your opportunity to suggest topics that are relevant and important to you.  Participation is free for all attendees.


We will not be hosting a Monthly Meetup in December, enjoy the holidays.

More information about our next Meetup is in January, will be coming soon — see you then!

Past Meetups

Thirtieth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Cultivating Profits: Farmers Market Benchmarks 
Speakers: Laura Biasillo 
Wednesday, February 26th, 2024 @ 12:00pm

Join us on Wednesday, February 26th at 12:00 pm to learn about the Cultivating Profits: Farmers Market Benchmarks! This is an interactive discussion on how to use benchmarks and the data gathered from a statewide survey in summer 2024 to inform pricing and marketing strategies at farmers markets to increase profitability in the 2025 market season.

Laura will give an overview of what a benchmark is and how it can be used in decision-making as it relates to farmers market sales. Then participants will be invited to pair their own data from the 2024 market season and recommendations from the statewide data gathered in interactive, local, facilitated discussions. These discussions will be focused on strategies and recommendations that direct marketing farmers can use to increase their profitability at farmers markets in the upcoming season. Producers selling fruits, vegetables, proteins, eggs, baked goods, maple syrup, honey, and horticultural crops will find use in attending. 

More information can be found by visiting the Farmers Market Benchmarks Project page, located here.

Twenty-Ninth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Speakers: Dr. Kim Hutchinson and Meredith Ledlie Johnson
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 @ 1:00pm

Join us on Wednesday, November 20th at 1:00 pm to learn about the Virginia Certified Farmers Market Program! This is a program that recognizes markets in the state that are meeting and exceeding best practices.

When customers shop at a Virginia Certified Farmers Market, they can trust that the market is a safe, welcoming, and transparent source of local food. Not only is certification a message to shoppers that the market is striving to keep them safe, but it also lets vendors know that the market takes promotion and outreach to new shoppers seriously.

Certification comes in 3 levels — Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level is based on a simple point system that covers categories such as food safety, continuing education, and public safety. The more points that a market has the higher the level of certification with gold being at the top.

As the Farmers Market Federation of NY continues to grow, we want to hear your thoughts on implementing a similar program for New York farmers markets!

Attend the Meetup Here!

Dr. Kim Hutchinson

Meredith Ledlie Johnson


Twenty-Eighth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Speaker: Josh Wiles, President, NovoDia Group
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

The NY Farmer Market Federation invites you to a overview session covering some basic TotilPay function, helpful features, and other functionalities. This meeting is designed to provide farmers market vendors with essential updates on the TotilPay Go App, new portal features, and troubleshooting tips. We will also address common issues troubleshooting steps and a question and answer session.


Twenty-Seventh Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Speaker: Ian Frye, Inspections & Compliance Program Manager, GrowNYC
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

How do we build trust between communities and food producers in a food system rife with unverifiable claims and opaque sourcing?  Since 1976, GrowNYC's Greenmarket system has led the way in building a regionally focused, producer-only farmers' market system that today hosts over 200 producers in more than 50 markets across the five boroughs. Ian Frye, Greenmarket's Inspections and Compliance Program Manager, leads a team that verifies producers follow Greenmarket Rules underpinning their regional and producer-only values. Ian will share what "producer-only" means in practice at Greenmarket and explore how you may be able to determine your interpretation of that phrase. He will share some strategies and tools for verifying production practices, compare how different production models may influence producer-control of products at the market, and hopefully encourage discussion about how to connect your market's values with consumers and producers. 

Ian Frye, GrowNYC


Twenty-Sixth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Speakers: Linsday Wilcox and Molly McManus
Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

An exciting project is underway that will provide vendors with data and insights to improve their sales - and profitability - at farmers markets. Join us for this meetup, and you'll hear about the project and learn how to get your farmers and vendors involved! 

Lindsay Wilcox

Molly McManus


Twenty-Fifth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Presenter: Jack Riffle & Britni Gallo, Farmers Market Federation of New York
Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

We are excited to announce the release of our 2024 Farmers Market Week Toolkit! This valuable resource is packed with everything your market will need to celebrate and promote Farmers Market Week. Inside, you'll find graphics and ready-to-go social media posts as well as printable activities for kids and visitors.

Twenty-Fourth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

FROM HYPER LOCAL TO HYPER GLOBAL: How the New York farmers market community connects with the world.
Speaker: Richard McCarthy, President, World Farmers Market Coalition
June 26th, 2024

Richard McCarthy is president of the World Farmers Markets Coalition, based in Rome, Italy. A resident of Geneva, NY, he will dial in from Italy to share how the North American experience in cultivating farmers markets has helped to shape a worldwide revival in this ancient, yet remarkably modern institution’s spread. Consider how the NY Federation’s leadership to shape and also oppose national policies has helped to give farmers, consumers, and the communities that emerge between the two flourish.

Twenty-Third Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

Speaker: Andrea Westervelt, Marketspread
May 28th, 2024

Marketspread is one of the leading online platforms helping to streamline market operations and make the task of operating a farmers market easier. Andrea will cover the highlights of online applications, vendor management, booth bookings, interactive mapping, and collecting vendor fees. She will also cover how Marketspread can help establish a strong online presence to drive more foot traffic.

Twenty-Second Monthly members & friends meetup

Facilitated by Jack Riffle, The Farmers Market Federation of New York
April 23th, 2024

twenty-fiRst Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

March 26th, 2024

Stress is a natural part of life, but for farmers and the agricultural community, it often comes with unique challenges. Studies show that rates of daily stress and the suicide rate among farmers exceed those of the general population. It's crucial to address this issue head-on — how do we manage and respond to stress? How do we know when we need help for ourselves? What signs, symptoms, and risk factors do we notice in ourselves or others?

Twentieth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

February 27th, 2024
with Julia Day, Regional Director for the Rochester/Syracuse Office, New York State Division of Human Rights

You hear about sexual harassment in the news, but what does it mean to you as a farmers market manager? Learn about how issues of sexual harassment can affect market managers, vendors, and customers at farmer markets.

We will also cover how to draft a formal policy against sexual harassment, plus the options and outcomes available to sexual harassment victims. There will be opportunities for questions.

Nineteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

January 23rd, 2024 @ 1:00pm

How does your approach as a market manager shape your vendors’ experiences? This presentation shares early results from two qualitative studies on how farmers market management impacts vendor economic viability and quality of life. Through examples and stories from the southeastern US, anthropologists Hilary B. King and Andrea Rissing will cover different market management styles, activities, and associated vendor responses, review market management priorities around which vendors cluster and split, and share recommendations for clarifying your own market style to increase market cohesion.

Eighteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

November 28th, 2023

with Matt LeRoux, Extension Associate, Cornell University

Electronic Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, such as the commonly used Square app, present farmers market managers and vendors with an opportunity to gather data and learn from customer shopping habits. In turn, this data can be analyzed to reveal growth opportunities. POS provides a quick and easy means for markets and farms to assess their marketing performance, make changes, and test for results. Matt LeRoux and Todd Schmit at Cornell’s Agricultural Marketing Research Program are working with NY’s farms to collect data using POS in direct-to-consumer channels and continue to recruit more farms for the project. 

Grocery stores have long used scanner data to inform marketing techniques. Now farmer-friendly point-of-sale software gives managers and farmers similar potential to collect detailed sales data. Learn how Cornell researchers are using this technology to study consumer spending and inform marketing opportunities for farms to increase daily sales. Leave this workshop with specific takeaways and tips for your own marketing and sales methods.

SEVENTEENTH Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

October 24th, 2023
with Adam Howell, Director of Outreach at NY FarmNet

Farming is hard. Personal and financial stress can sometimes seem omnipresent. Luckily, there are free resources available to farmers seeking assistance. Farmers market managers can safeguard their most valuable asset, farm vendors, by directing them to helpful resources when they need support.

NY FarmNet is a unique program in NYS that provides free, confidential support for farmers to help with any number of issues they may face. NY FarmNet approaches farm assistance and support through a “holistic” model by deploying a consultant team representing both the personal and financial aspects of every challenge. NY FarmNet is totally free, confidential, and available to any farmer, farm family, or agribusiness in NYS. Our consultants provide assistance in-person, and on the farm for as long as the client requires assistance.

Adam Howell presents NY FarmNet and how it can help markets support their farmers during times of personal and financial crisis.

Sixteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

September 26th, 2023
with John Kagia, Director of Policy at NYS Office of Cannabis Management

This summer, the NYS Office of Cannabis Management (OCM)  issued a press release announcing the opportunity for cannabis to take part in farmers markets across the state. Cannabis growers were thrilled and called their local farmers markets to ask about joining to sell direct to consumers. However, market managers were confused and did not understand what their role could or should be with regard to the sale of cannabis.

In response to the confusion, the Federation contacted the OCM and spoke with John Kagia, Director of Policy, to get some clarity. We learned that the use of the term “farmers markets” was misleading and that the OCM is now calling these events Cannabis Growers Showcases (CGS) rather than farmers markets. But the ability to host a CGS is a bit confusing.

In an effort to bring clarity to the situation, John Kagia, Director of Policy at the NYS OCM, has agreed to be a guest speaker at our September Monthly Meetup. His presentation aims to provide an understanding of what a CGS entails, eligibility requirements for vendors, and the potential role farmers markets can play in the sale of cannabis.

Fifteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

August 29th, 2023
with Jose Dos Santos, Protective Security Advisor, US Dept. of Homeland Security

Mass shootings and hate crimes seem to be happening on a daily basis, all across the country. Every event, whether a social gathering, a school, or a concert, needs to be aware of the possibility that such tragic events as these may happen at any of these public events.

But are farmers markets exempt from such criminal acts? No, they are not! We have been promoting farmers markets as a welcoming gathering place for everyone, but that does not make markets exempt from the possibility of such a tragic occurrence at a farmers market.

Jose Dos Santos, Protective Security Advisor of the US Department of Homeland Security, will help us to understand such situations and to be prepared so that we can do our best to keep everyone safe – staff, farmers, and vendors, as well as our customers. From preparation to prevention to responding to an actual criminal act, Mr. Dos Santos will walk us through what we need to do for everyone’s ultimate safety.

Fourteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

July 25th, 2023
with Kelly Sauve and Judy Ward, Ithaca Farmers Market

One of the revelations of the Consumer Survey done in 2018 under USDA’s SARE program s that consumers look to farmers markets as a key contributor to environmental stewardship.  They view farmers markets as a leading example for the community in promoting conservation practices.

To endure that your market matches the expectations of consumers on this issue, you must promote, educate and practice sound environmental practices. The Ithaca Farmers Market has always been a leader in this area but has now gone a step further with a new grant opportunity from the Park Foundation that is allowing them to expand their efforts. Kelly Sauve, the market and organization’s manager, along with Judy Ward, the market’s Zero Waste Coordinator will share their story on building an environmentally sustainable farmers market and their experiences along the way, on the July Monthly Members and Friends Meetup.

view the chat transcript

Thirteenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

June 27th, 2023
with Mike Parker, Grown By

Many farmers markets have created an online presence to help their farmers reach customers who do not participate in face to face markets. The online market reaches those who prefer to shop online rather than in person, those who cannot make it to the market during its normal operating markets, or those who prefer to shop for locally grown foods, but, for various reasons, do not want to shop in person. This online shopping platforms have proved to be successful in adding sales to their participating farmers.

But these online markets do not currently reach SNAP customers, as USDA FNS did not allow SNAP to be used in any way other than a face to face experience. In the last couple of years, USDA FNS has been working with MarketLink to build the processes to allow SNAP online. The purpose was to be able to bring direct marketing farmers and farmers markets into online SNAP.

Grown By is online market that was developed in New York State by Mike Parker and his partners. This platform has worked directly with MarketLink and USDA to allow users of the Grown By platform to accept SNAP for purchases as soon as USDA gives the okay.

Mike Parker presents Grown By and how it can help markets and farmers reach new customers to purchase local foods online.

View the Chat Transcript

Twelfth Monthly Memebers & Friends Meetup

May 30th, 2023
with Betsy Bihn, Director of the Insitute for Food Safety at Cornell AgriTech


eleventh monthly members & friends meetup

April 25th, 2023

UPDATES on SNAP Online for Farmers and Farmers Markets
Farmers have always been innovative in ensuring their farm’s success. Whether it is diversifying their crop base, learning and employing new techniques, or branching out into new marketing channels, the Coronavirus pandemic really brought out this trait. Direct marketing farmers were forced to look for new ways to reach their customer base to ensure their farm products were sold and that farm revenue was secure. Many farmers moved into the online marketplace to reach customers who were staying at home or who were accustomed to shopping for their needs online. This method helped to ensure the farm’s viability during hard times.

Now farmers are finding that online markets continue to help them to expand their customer base, as more and more people shop for their needs online rather than face-to-face in farmers markets or big box stores. The use of online markets continues, even with the lessening of the pandemic. 

But one customer base has not represented in the online commerce world – the customer that depends on SNAP for their food purchasing. SNAP has always required a face-to-face transaction where the customer presented their SNAP card, input their PIN, and the seller swiped the card for payment. 

USDA has recognized that SNAP customers need and want the ability to shop online and has contracted with NAFMNP’s MarketLink and Novo Dia Group to build the framework for online SNAP for farmers. The ability to accept SNAP online for direct marketing farmers is about to be a reality!

View the Chat Transcript

Tenth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

March 28th, 2023
with Stephanie Woodward

Farmers Markets strive to be a valuable source of locally grown foods for all community members.  We strive to be representative of all in the community. But sometimes we don’t understand exactly what we need to do to represent all the needs of the various groups of customers that we hope will participate in our markets.

Stephanie Woodward is an Attorney and Disability Rights Advocate. She is also an avid farmers market shopper. Stephanie will help us understand the needs of the disabled members of our communities and what we can do to make their farmers markets more welcoming. After her presentation, Stephanie will take your questions and provide insightful and helpful answers.

View the chat transcript

(Rescheduled) Seventh Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

February 28th, 2023

View the chat transcript

Ninth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

January 24th, 2023
Lindsay Wilcox, CenterMost Marketing


Eighth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

November 22nd, 2022
with Jim Farr

Sooner or later, every market will experience petty crime — shoplifting, pickpocketing, and cash box theft. But while it may be considered petty crime, it has a significant impact on vendors and their consumers. No one would be comfortable shopping in a location that is not considered to be safe — but who is responsible for watching out and preventing this activity? It is EVERYONE's responsibility! Vendors and managers alike all need to keep their eyes open and be protective of one another.

Jim Farr of the Rochester Public Market has had to deal with these issues at his market. Jim will be joining us to share his experiences and lead a discussion on how we can spot such behaviors, what clues to watch for, and how we can help to prevent such criminal activity in our markets.

View the Chat Transcript

Seventh Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

October 25th, 2022

Rescheduled to February 2023

Sixth Monthly Members & Friends Meetup

September 27th, 2022

Advertising is key to reaching a broad customer base for a farmers market. So we all look to social media, press releases, and other forms of advertising to reach as many people as possible to visit the farmers market. But some markets are more successful with their advertising than others. What are the differences? What are some doing so right that others are failing at?

Lindsay Wilcox, from CenterMost Marketing, will host a discussion at our September Monthly Meetup to provide us with some helpful hints and tips to make our advertising and outreach campaigns more successful in bringing more customers to our markets. She has been successful at advertising for many markets in New York, as well as other agricultural ventures. So, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, or our local newspapers, Lindsay has a wide range of suggestions to help us. Once she has completed her presentation, she will be open to answering your questions. Bring your examples, your concerns, and your questions to the September Monthly Meetup and get answers from an expert.

View the Chat Transcript

Fifth Monthly Member & Friends Meetup

August 23, 2022

During the pandemic, many farmers and markets turned to online markets to connect with consumers. But once the pandemic abated, many markets deactivated their online sales, hoping to encourage consumers to shop the market in person. In some cases, this was not what happened. Instead, consumers who prefer online shopping were left out of farmers markets.

The Oneida County Public Market in Utica build their online market post-pandemic and has seen sales growing since its inception. Beth Irons, and Olivia Reynard, both from the Oneida County Public Market will be our featured guest speakers to talk about their online farmers market. Included in their discussion will be why they chose to host an online market, how they have reached their customers and continue to broaden their reach, and the impact the online market has on their sales, both online and in the physical farmers market.

The Oneida County Public Market also knows that accepting SNAP for online sales is right around the corner and they have prepared themselves to take advantage of that opportunity as soon as it is available. Once their presentation is complete, Beth and Olivia will host a Q&A session so that you can get all of your questions answered.

View the Chat Transcript


July 26th, 2022

NYS has legalized cannabis. We now have cannabis farmers and legal cannabis dispensaries. BUT, while the state has made cannabis legal, all the regulations and licensing are not yet in place, leaving New Yorkers questioning what can and can’t be done. This is also true for farmers markets. What can and cannot be sold at a farmers market? What licenses or permits are required? The answers are not that clear.

Cecilia Oyediran from the Foley Hoag Law Firm, is an expert on Cannabis Law and has spoken at several conferences and workshops on cannabis in New York State. She will share her knowledge on the law and its impact on farmers markets. After her presentation, Cecilia will address your individual question.


Third Monthly Member & Friends Meetup

June 28, 2022

This meetup discusses insurance issues for farmers markets. Our guest speaker is Larry Spilker from Campbell Risk Management. This agency, and Larry in particular, sponsors a nationwide farmers market insurance program for farmers markets and farmers. Larry has an exceptional knowledge of all things market insurance related and shares his knowledge with us.

Second Monthly Member & Friends Meetup

May 24, 2022

Farmers have always been innovative in ensuring their farm’s success. Whether it is diversifying their crop base, learning and employing new techniques, or branching out into new marketing channels, the Coronavirus pandemic really brought out this trait. Direct marketing farmers were forced to look for new ways to reach their customer base to ensure their farm products were sold and that farm revenue was secure. Many farmers moved into the online marketplace to reach customers who were staying at home or who were accustomed to shopping for their needs online. This method helped to ensure the farm’s viability during hard times.

Now farmers are finding that online markets continue to help them to expand their customer base, as more and more people shop for their needs online rather than face to face in farmers markets or big box stores. The use of online markets continues, even with the lessening of the pandemic. 

But one customer base is not represented in the online commerce world – the customer that depends on SNAP for their food purchasing. SNAP has always required a face-to-face transaction where the customer presented their SNAP card, input their PIN, and the seller swiped the card for payment. 

USDA has recognized that SNAP customers need and want the ability to shop online and has contracted with NAFMNP’s MarketLink and Novo Dia Group to build the framework for online SNAP for farmers. The ability to accept SNAP online for direct marketing farmers is about to be a reality!

View the Presentation

View the Chat Transcript

First Monthly Member & Friends Meetup

April 26, 2022

A key component of a Market Manager’s role is to curate a sense of community at their market, and offering live music during market hours is a common tactic used to enhance a market’s atmosphere and encourage greater sales. From scheduling acts to performance site selection; from AV equipment management to establishing performance guidelines and rules, there is much to consider when it comes to planning a music program for your market. Evidence supports the economic and social benefits that music can bring, and coupled with that is a growing concern in the market community regarding performance vendor (i.e. musicians) liability and risk. Facilitated by the Federation's Assistant Director, Kayla MacLachlan, this recording discusses both, offering market managers the tools needed to implement best practices for hosting music at their markets.

Music at the Market Article

View the Chat Transcript